A Career in Business News

Gambling Jan 27, 2024

Business news is the area of journalism that records, analyzes and interprets the commercial activities that make up societies’ economies. This type of news coverage can be found in a wide variety of publications and media outlets, including newspapers, magazines, radio and television news programs. Many large, general-interest publications have a dedicated business news section, while other publications may focus on a particular industry or offer business-related news content as part of a larger editorial package.

A career in business news offers reporters and writers the opportunity to explore the dynamic financial and economic world around us, creating compelling stories with impact. It’s an exciting, challenging field in which to work — and one that offers well-paid opportunities for journalists who are passionate about telling important, timely stories that help their audiences understand complex issues and empower them to make wise choices.

As a Medill graduate, you will have the knowledge and skills to work in a number of areas within this broad category, from the global economy and corporate finance to the stock and bond markets, personal finance and government finance agencies like the Securities and Exchange Commission. Through discussions, workshops and hands-on reporting, you’ll have the chance to hone your expertise in business news while exploring what it takes to succeed in this ever-changing world.

Cassie Knudsen is the monetization and marketing operations manager for Business News Daily. She brings a strong analytical background to the role, overseeing growth marketing campaigns and overall site monetization. She previously held client success roles at Monster and TechTarget, and enjoys working closely with clients to ensure a smooth and successful partnership. In her spare time, she enjoys reading nonfiction and listening to music. She lives in Waltham, Massachusetts.

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