Law new is a weekly newsletter that highlights recent developments in the law. The newsletter covers a wide range of topics, including new laws, changes in existing law, and the legal aspects of popular culture. It is a great resource for students and lawyers alike.
Lawmakers in both the House of Representatives and Senate pass laws to govern their respective states and the United States. Each branch of government has a different process for passing legislation. This article explains how bills become laws at the federal level, and the difference between the process in the House of Representatives and the Senate.
When an idea for a new law is proposed, it must be drafted as a bill before it can be considered by lawmakers. The process of drafting a bill requires specialized legal training. This work is often carried out by the staff of a legislative body’s Legislative Drafting Commission, but can also be done by attorneys for a lobbying group or state agency, or even by a private individual.
A new law that requires City agencies to disclose information about data breaches in which persons’ private identifying information is accessed, disclosed or used by an unauthorized person. It also aligns certain definitions of the City’s data breach notification laws with the State’s SHIELD Act.
An expansion of protections for domestic violence victims in both criminal and family courts. The new law recognizes that domestic violence impacts not only those in an intimate relationship with an abuser, but also their family members and household members. The new law allows family and household members to file family offense petitions for domestic violence, and also expands protections for domestic violence victims in criminal court by allowing them to request an order of protection.
Laws that limit the ability of employers to use automated decision tools in hiring and firing decisions. The laws require companies that use these tools to first conduct a bias audit and notify job applicants. The law is intended to prevent bias from entering into the hiring process.
The Supreme Court agrees to hear a case challenging the constitutionality of a ban on same-sex marriage in Oklahoma. The case could set a major precedent affecting the rights of religious groups and LGBT people in all 50 states.
A change to maintenance laws that will make it easier for courts to award counsel fees to spouses with less income. The new law will shift the burden of proof in most cases from the non-monied spouse to show that it is unreasonable for the court to deny a fee request. The new law will also require the courts to consider the income of both spouses when determining an equitable division of marital assets.