The Definition of Fashion
There are many different definitions of the word “fashion.” The word is defined by Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary and does not necessarily reflect an opinion. Other definitions of the word include “fashion” in popular culture, Subcultures and Social groups, and Technological influences. In this article, we will look at the definition of fashion in different areas and discuss its uses and limitations. The following examples were sourced from various news sources. Whether these examples are accurate or not is up to you to decide.
Fast fashion
What exactly is fast fashion? This term refers to a new phenomenon in clothing production in which high-volumes of cheap, trendy clothing are produced. The goal of this manufacturing process is to get clothes into consumers’ hands as quickly as possible. Fast fashion often compromises the environment, due to its manufacturing, marketing, and disposal methods. This leads to massive landfills filled with gently used clothing. Some estimates claim that $183 million worth of clothing ends up in landfills every year.
Hip-hop is one of the many subcultures of fashion. Inspired by hip-hop culture, the hip-hop fashion aesthetic includes oversized t-shirts and sagging pants. Baseball caps worn backward are also part of the fashion scene. Hip-hop artists also set the trends for the fashion industry. Listed below are some of the most prominent subcultures of fashion. Learn more about the different subcultures below!
Social groups
Various concepts based on social class have been proposed in the field of fashion. Marx, for instance, argued that class membership is determined by the position a person holds in society, and the relationship a person has to the means of production. Further, Max Weber argued that social class refers to groups with similar privileges and positions of power. Social grouping can be traced back to ancient Rome. In the case of fashion, social groups in fashion have their origins in ancient Greece and Rome.
Technological influences
As the technology industry continues to evolve, fashion has evolved as well. Designers are able to access trend information through virtual reality and 3D printers, instead of relying on sewing machines. They can also use body scanners to accurately measure consumers’ bodies. Many fashion brands are even combining their online and offline presence. Until 2010 most fashion brands operated offline, but today, most businesses combine these two elements to better meet the needs of consumers.
Street style
The rise of street style fashion emerged as a way to express a particular group’s values and self-image through clothes. It also became a means of establishing a strong sense of identity and sub-cultural cohesion. Traditional sociocultural divisions such as class, race, religion, ethnicity, and regionalism have diminished drastically in Western culture. The resulting homogeneous mass has become a problematic issue for society.